Library Card
- Library cards are free.
- You can apply if you’re 18 or older and have a valid California driver’s license or ID, passport or Mexican consulate card.
- If you are under 18, a parent or guardian must sign the application and show a valid ID.
- The library card can be used at any library in the San Joaquin Valley Library System (SJVLS) from Bakersfield to Merced.
- Replacement cost for a lost card is one dollar.
- You must have your card present to check out materials and to use the Public Access Computers.
Loan Periods
- Materials are loaned for three weeks including books, books on CD, music CDs, and magazines.
- DVDs and Videos are loaned for 7 days.
Returns and Renewals
- Materials can be renewed by phone by calling 559-935-1676 ext. 3 or by going to My Account.
- Materials can be returned to the inside or outside book drop. DVDs and Videos must be returned to the inside book drop during library business hours.
Fines and Fees
- The fine for materials returned late including books, books on CD, music CDs, and magazines is $0.20 cents per day.
- The fine for DVDs and Videos returned late is $2.00 per day per item